We are a student-led initiative on a mission to help others discover the joy of mathematics.
Mathematics provides infinite possibilities. Read on to find out more.
Math Matters
Written by students and math enthusiasts from around the world, we aim to bring ideas and articles that provide links and a better understanding of how math impacts everything we do in life. Math is often associated with numbers in a textbook, but it is more than just numbers. Math drives solutions and has played a key role in the development of civilization. We hope these ideas and articles will help students connect the math they learn to their daily lives and future aspirations.
Math Buddies
As a team of students that have a passion for mathematics, we believe we have a responsibility to contribute meaningfully to our communities. As part of our Math Buddies program, we pair up a student (grade 4-12) with a Math Buddy who mentors and supports the student with homework help and math concepts virtually throughout the school year. Participants are matched to a Math buddy based on grade, math level, language, location, and other criteria.